Down’s syndrome
Down's syndrome is one of the most common forms of learning disability, it randomly affects about one in every thousand babies, male and female. It is congenital which means that a child is born with the syndrome.There is no cure for Down's syndrome but there are many things that can be done to make sure that those with Down's syndrome reach their full potential and lead independent, enjoyable and fulfilling lives (see Talk Tools – a speech and oro motor package designed for use from birth alongside a qualified Speech and language consultant).People with Down's syndrome can live active, satisfying lives well into middle age and beyond.Like all of us, people with Down's syndrome need support, respect and the right to make decisions for themselves. Often the greatest disability they face is other people's attitudes.
How can SLT Online help?
To arrange an assessment with Julie please visit the appointments page. If you require any further information about the help Julie can provide, please visit the contact page and complete the on-line form.